Game #4, SP 11, and future.

Game #4 … sigh this long awaited game is forever in development hell. This platformer (Vampire Game) has been through many iterations only to be put on temporary hold, but only to work on a simpler game. VampireGame

We’ve been off and on with the Vampire Game game that a small break to develop something quick and fun is a needed distraction to get us out of a slump of being burnt out on it.

We will focus on a quick and dirty mobile game then jump back to the Vampire Game. This mobile game has the premise of a jumping egg… Yeah an egg.

IMG_7579.JPGSpider Powers 11 – it’s more than 70% animated and just waiting to be finished. I try to manage time on this series and the game development. Perhaps some comics to help for lack of animation content would be a good idea.

Future – go watch Back to the Future if you want to know.